
St. Lambert's Will Certification, 1708

St. Lambert's Will Certification, 1708

St. Lambert's Will Certification, 1708

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Je Certifie avoir été chargé par feu
Monsieur de St Lambert de l’execution
de son Testament, lequel J’ay executé
conformement a ses dernieres intentions,
envers son frere de Manneville son unique
heritier, en foy de quoy ie luy ay donné
le present Certificat pour luy servir ce que
de raison, fait au fort loüis de La Loüissiane,
ce vingt unième octobre mil sept cent huit.
Chateaugué [signature]

Certefié veritable et paraphé au desir de l’acte de depost passé devant lesdits
notaires à paris sous signés aujourd’huy quatre aoust mil sept cent neuf
De St. Lambert Duhautmeny Demanneville [signature] CL. Pajot [signature] Migeon Delagauchetière [signature] Dona [handwritten seal facsimile] Veram [handwritten seal facsimile]



I certify having been charged by the deceased Sieur de St. Lambert with the execution of his last will and testament, which I have executed according to his final wishes toward his brother de Manneville, his only heir, in witness whereof, I give the present certificate to serve whom it may concern, done at Fort Louis de la Louisiane, this 21st of October, 1708.
Chateaugué [signature]

Certified true and initialed according to the act of filing before the notaries in Paris signed today the fourth of August 1709.
De St. Lambert Duhautmeny Demanneville [signature] CL. Pajot [signature] Migeon Delagauchetière [signature]
Dona [handwritten seal facsimile] Veram [handwritten seal facsimile]